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Preparation For Civilian Careers

Transitioning from military life to a civilian career can be a challenge. There is a lot to think about before you put yourself on the job market. Hiring Our Heroes is an organization created by veterans to help veterans start their careers.

Employment - Related Travel

The National Association of State Workforce agencies (NASWA) and Hilton HHonors have joined together to provide free hotel stays for unemployed veterans who need to travel for job interviews, certifications or training.

Download “FAQs & Participating States” PDF

Interview Preparation

Whether conducted in person or over the phone, the interview is your chance to sell yourself. You want to help the recruiter or hiring manager understand why you are a good fit for a specific position. A successful interview involves not only clearly and confidently sharing your experiences, skills and values, but also showing your personality. Learn more at these links:

Ace Phone Interview
Preparing for an Elevator Pitch
Prepare for a Job Interview
The "STAR" Technique

Resume Preparation

Your resume is normally the first form of introduction that a company will have with you. It is important to be able to highlight your skills and experiences from the military in language that will translate well to the civilian world. You want your resume to showcase why you will be an asset to the team and why you are a good match for the position. See the following links for advice on creating an effective resume:

Personal Branding
Military Spouses
3 Things You Need to Know
19 Reasons Why This is An Excellent Resume
Hiring Our Heroes Veteran Employment Transition Roadmap